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Raw Feeding Veterinary Society Conference

As well as putting the Green’s shop together after moving we have been getting ready for this coming weekend on November 5th for a great gathering in Gloucestershire.

We are thrilled to be supporting The Raw Feeding Veterinary Society & attending the conference on November 5th.

Vets & vet nurses from anywhere in the world can join the society. Spread the word far & wide.

The society conference this year includes nutrition, metabolism & bacteriological experts from:
Ketopet, Texas
AgResearch in New Zealand
Liverpool University

There will also be raw feeding vets and vet nurses from all around the country to tell you how they feed, how they use it in their own veterinary practice & the results they see.

We are armed with notepad & pen to soak up the knowledge that will no doubt be in the room.

We will share our day with you in the form of a blog once we have returned. Excited of Green’s

Picture of sarah


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